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Physician contract review, medical career advice, resident contract negotiation, physician employment contracts, work-life balance for doctors, medical contract guidance, transitioning from residency, doctor job offers, physician career development, medical contract terms, negotiating physician contracts, career planning for doctors, contract clauses for physicians, medical professional support, physician job search tips
Physician contract review, medical career advice, resident contract negotiation, physician employment contracts, work-life balance for doctors, medical contract guidance, transitioning from residency, doctor job offers, physician career development, medical contract terms, negotiating physician contracts, career planning for doctors, contract clauses for physicians, medical professional support, physician job search tips.

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Hi - I'm Daniel Aragón. I help residents and fellows get great contracts.



[An Open Letter to the Resident and Fellow]

Transitioning from training to attending-hood is all about being purposeful.

Purposeful in your career decisions, contract negotiations, financial planning, work-life balance, professional development and personal fulfillment.

Being a purposeful physician is about embracing your career and your life.

We approach our work in a way that prioritizes balance, fulfillment, and ethical practice, rather than merely maximizing our financial gain.

Purposeful physicians don’t ask, "How can I make more money?"

They ask, "What kind of life do I want to lead?" and then seek out contracts and opportunities that support that life.

It’s not about getting more; it’s about finding what’s right for you.

We keep our careers balanced and rewarding — prioritizing fair terms and professional growth in our contracts.

Sometimes this means negotiating on our own, but often we get expert guidance for complex contract terms and conditions.

At the end of the day, what binds us together is a simple goal:

Obtain a contract that provides the freedom to practice medicine in a way that aligns with our values and aspirations… and nothing that doesn’t.


More About Me

Ways I can Help You


01   Beyond the Boilerplate Weekly Newsletter

Every Tuesday morning, I share practical guidance to help you optimize your first medical contract.

02  Deep-dive Digital Courses for Purposeful Physicians

Self-paced courses teaching you to understand your contract, negotiate fair terms, secure your first job, and build a fulfilling medical career.

View Courses

Recent Issues of

6 Reasons Why Written Contracts Matter

Jun 04, 2024

What Does "At-Will Employment" Mean?

May 25, 2024

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I'll help you make the leap and gain the confidence.


Confidence to



Confidence to



Confidence to

put patients first.


Confidence to

own your career.


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